Stefan Reinmuth

Private Client Sommelier and Brand Manager
Oldenburg Vineyards
Stefan Reinmuth DipWSET is the private client sommelier and brand manager at Oldenburg Vineyards, Stellenbosch.

Stefan Reinmuth DipWSET, Oldenburg Vineyards' private client sommelier and brand manager, was the second runner-up at the 2022 Champagne Telmont Best Young Sommelier of South Africa competition.

Stefan worked as sommelier at Oldenburg Vineyards in Stellenbosch from February 2019 for 5 years. He's made it his mission to make Oldenburg's tasting room one without rival. "I love the challenge of creating the best tasting room experience in South Africa," says Stefan. "It needs constant work and constant drive to get it right. I believe we can still hone a few aspects, but that’s the lovely thing about a work in progress."

After a number of years spent in Germany within the wine and spirits retail industry, he returned to South Africa in 2019. He earned a WSET Level 4 Diploma in Wine in 2022 from the International Wine Education Centre. In addition, he hold a BDram degree and a postgraduate diploma in marketing from Stellenbosch University.

In 2024, he was selected for the South African Sommelier Association's Team South Africa, an elite group of the nation's most skilled sommeliers dedicated to representing South Africa in international wine competitions.