Our welcoming committee

Varieties not in our vineyards and wines not in our cellar can be found moving around on four legs. This means that on arrival, you will be welcomed by a tail-wagging pack consisting of the hospitable Dachshund Grappa, Alsace the Boerboel and Merlot, the gentle Great Dane.

Also contributing to the charm of Middelvlei are our donkeys, Port and Jerepigo, two potbelly pigs Polla and Dolla, Cameroon pygmy goats and several mountain tortoises - most of the latter have been on the farm for over 30 years. The fowls that roam freely and the cattle grazing in the distance add to the special farm ambiance that Middelvlei is so well-known for. Apart from the many rescued animals that found a home at Middelvlei (the latest being a mountain tortoise that was painted and kept on a piece of wire), one can also look forward to meeting our four wallabies, the youngest of which was born at Middelvlei earlier this year.

Despite the fact that Middelvlei boarders a suburban area we can boast with a rich wildlife. The dam attracts a wide selection of birds and the pair of fish eagle, visiting regularly, makes Middelvlei a true African wine destination. Greybuck, steenbok, duiker, jackal and even the odd carracal are spotted from time to time.

Middelvlei Wines
021 883 2565