Sustainable Practices

The team at Neil Ellis Wines believes in responsible environmental practices. We aim to respect the soil, cut water use, recycle and reduce energy use and greenhouse emissions. We are a member of the IPW, a voluntary environmental sustainability scheme, and comply to their regulations.

Our environmental objectives are to:

Respect the soil
We plant cover crops between rows to eliminate erosion.
We handpick the grapes to minimise soil compaction.
We aim towards the primary use of biological practises to avoid overuse of chemical sprays.
As part of a rehabilitation programme we remove alien plants to promote growth of indigenous vegetation such as fynbos.

Cut water use
We use vineyard moisture probes in conjunction with a drip system to better use water resources.
Our Groenekloof and Piekenierskloof vineyards are dryland vineyards.
We promote responsible and efficient water use in the winery, the tasting room and administration building.

We choose sustainable packaging alternatives and recycle all our glass, cardboard and paper.
We recycle our glass, cardboard, paper and plastic throughout all areas of the company.

Neil Ellis Wines
021 887 0649