Slanghoek Vinay Crispy White NV

Veritas 2002 - Gold Medal
Veritas 2003 - Double Gold Medal
Veritas 2004 - Gold Medal
Beautiful, bright light colour. Fresh and fruity palate. Supple, lightish off-dry quaffer to enjoy throughout the day. Best enjoyed young and cooled down to 15C.

Enjoy as an aperitif or with olives & a selection of cheeses. Compliments fish, pasta & chicken.Economical 1 litre and 500ml packaging.

variety : Sauvignon Blanc [ 40% Sauvignon Blanc, 40% Chenin Blanc, 20% Colombard ]
winery : Slanghoek Cellar
winemaker : Pieter Carstens & Team
wine of origin : Slanghoek
analysis : alc : 11.76 % vol  rs : 7.5 g/l  pH : 3.4  ta : 7.4 g/l  va : 0.37 g/l  so2 : 149 mg/l  fso2 : 44 mg/l  
type : White  style : Off Dry  body : Medium  taste : Fruity  
pack : Bottle  

Veritas 2002 - Gold Medal
Veritas 2003 - Double Gold Medal
Veritas 2004 - Gold Medal

ageing : Enjoy within one year of purchase.

in the vineyard : Supplier: P. Hugo - Sauvignon Blanc & Colombard / I. du Toit - Chenin Blanc
Appellation: Slanghoek
Area planted: Sauvignon Blanc - 6.09 ha, Colombard - 4.49 ha, Chenin Blanc - 7.1 ha
Age of vines: Sauvignon Blanc - 10 years, Colombard - 21 years, Chenin Blanc - 22 years
Rootstock: Sauvignon Blanc & Chenin Blanc - ichter 110, Colombard R99
Clone: SB 10A & SB 11, CO 1 - Chenin Blanc is unknown
Trellis system: 5 wire lenghtened Perold & 5 wire hedge
Irrigation: Micro & drip
Vine density: 3,333 vines / ha
Soil: Deep, rocky terrace & deep dark Oakleaf soils
Climate: Continental

about the harvest: Date: 26 January 2006
Type: Hand harvested at 21.2º Balling
Yield: 9.6 tons/ha

in the cellar : Crushing / Destemming: Crushed and destemmed by machine working reductive
Tanks (type): Stainless Steel with cooling
Fermentation protocol (vessel, temp, duration): Stainless Steel with cooling / 14 degrees C / 18 days
Malolactive (y/n): No
Lees contact / battonage: No
Other method of oak maturation (chips etc): No wood
Fining: Bentonite
Filtration: Bulk filtration with diatomacious earth
Stabilisation: minus 4 degrees Celsius for 5 days

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Sauvignon Blanc
Sauvignon Blanc
Sauvignon Blanc