Knorhoek Chenin Blanc 2004

Veritas 2006 - Silver
Old Mutual Trophy Wine Show 2006 - Bronze
Fairbairn Capital Trophy Wine Show 2005 - Bronze
Michelangelo International Wine Awards 2005 - Silver
Tropical, pineapple flavours with a rich but crisp aftertaste. This is a “food driven” wine that complements most rich dishes as well as desserts.

variety : Chenin Blanc [ 100% Chenin Blanc ]
winery : Knorhoek Wines
winemaker : Arno Albertyn
wine of origin : Stellenbosch
analysis : alc : 13.5 % vol  rs : 8.3 g/l  
type : White  
pack : Bottle  

Veritas 2006 - Silver
Old Mutual Trophy Wine Show 2006 - Bronze (73/100)
Fairbairn Capital Trophy Wine Show 2005 - Bronze
Michelangelo International Wine Awards 2005 - Silver
in the vineyard : This wine is made from the fruit of 30 – 32 year old vines. The terroire has the characteristic deep red (oak leaf) soils, situated on a northwesterly slope. These wines are either trellised or bush vines, and not irrigated at all.

about the harvest: The grapes are hand picked and the production is very low (6 – 8 tons/ha). The grapes are picked at 23.5° – 24.5° Balling causing a residual sugar of 8.3g/l and alcohol of 13.5%. The grapes are picked at the higher balling and left on the lees for 2 – 3 weeks to give the wine a slightly off-dry finish.

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Chenin Blanc
Chenin Blanc
Chenin Blanc
Chenin Blanc
Chenin Blanc
Chenin Blanc
Chenin Blanc
Chenin Blanc