Groenland Cabernet Sauvignon 2003

Veritas 2006 - Bronze
A fruity, full-bodied wine with berries and black pepper on the nose. Barrel matured in small French oak barrels for twelve months.

Serving suggestion: at 16-18°C, with robust red meat dishes; oxtail; roast beef.

variety : Cabernet Sauvignon [ 100% Cabernet Sauvignon ]
winery : Groenland
winemaker : The Winemaking Team
wine of origin : Stellenbosch
analysis : alc : 12.88 % vol  rs : 1.9 g/l  pH : 3.44  ta : 6.6 g/l  
type : Red  style : Dry  body : Full  taste : Fragrant   wooded
pack : Bottle  

Veritas 2006 - Bronze
Michelangelo 2005 - Silver
Veritas 2005 - Bronze

ageing : This wine can be enjoyed now but can be cellared for up to eight years.

in the vineyard : Climate: Mediterranean - The summers are hot and dry with cold, wet winters. The annual rainfall is about 800mm. Supplementary irrigation during summer.
Soils: Well drained gravel soils.

about the harvest: Good quality grapes are harvested at a full ripe stage (24° Balling).

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Cabernet Sauvignon
Cabernet Sauvignon
Cabernet Sauvignon
Cabernet Sauvignon
Cabernet Sauvignon