Rietvallei John B Bouquet Blanc 2003

The wine has a lovely floral bouquet with intense fruit flavours on the palate and a well balanced acidity makes for a zest, long-lasting aftertaste. A fresh, fruity dry wine for everyday enjoyment.

variety : Colombard [ 43% Colombard, 35% Chenin Blanc, 21% Sauvignon Blanc ]
winery : 
winemaker : Johnny Burger
wine of origin : Breede River
analysis : alc : 12.15 % vol  rs : 1.7 g/l  pH : 3.34  ta : 7.2 g/l  va : 0.40 g/l  
type : White  style : Dry  
pack : Bottle  

in the vineyard : The vines were mostly planted on southeast slopes in rich limy soil. They are all trellised and were established from 1983 to 1999.

about the harvest: The grapes were picked at optimum ripeness at about 22-24º Balling (Brix).

in the cellar : In the cellar the juice was cold fermented in stainless steel tanks at 17ºC. After fermentation the wine was left on the lees for two months and then the different cultivars were blended just before bottling

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