in the vineyard : Origin of Grapes
Between 1958 and 1962 Prof Chris Orffwer of the University of Stellenbosch, created a new variety by crossing Semillon and Cape Riesling (also known as Crouchen Blanc). In 1997, the first commercial vineyards of this variety in the world, was planted on the farm Klipvlei, near Perdeberg, where the Geldenhuys brothers now grow 1.2 hectares on Swartland soil type. This soil consits of well-drained shale with some clay underneath. It is well-aerated and has a good water-retention capacity.
The vineyard receives the bare minimum of water and the irrigation system merely serves as an "insurance policy". Vines are trellised on a 7-wire Extended Perold system with moveable wires and are carefully spur-pruned and manipulated by specialized canopy management techniques for optimal use of sunlight. To ensure even ripening, grapes are thinned out and green bunches are removed at 80% veraison.