in the vineyard : Planted on the upper slopes, as the mountain begins to rise to the east of the estate, the Mauerberger Shiraz vineyard is without doubt a prime site.
The duplex/clay based soil found in the basin and onthe lower slopes of the estate gives way to the deep red/ochre Oakleaf and Hutton types at 150m. These soils are relics of a past, high rainfall, tropical era and require intensive manipulation before planting. However, it is extremely rewarding as they are highly weathered and acid, very stable and well drained, with good water holding capacity.
The Mauerberger Shiraz vineyard is characterised by the great chunky granite stones and lumps found throughout the plot that are now on the surface after the manipulation.
Size: 2.11 hectares
Planted: 1998
Aspect: South-West
Altitude: 155m – 180m (above sea level)
Soil type: Oakleaf/Hutton
Climate: Coastal Cool Maritime
Planting density: 2,600 per Ha
Training system: VSP