Openers Chardonnay 2007

Inviting citrus and lime notes - oak aromas not overpowering the freshness. This wine is tailored for enjoyment - a super quaffable wine.

variety : Chardonnay [ 100% Chardonnay ]
winery : 
winemaker : Reino Kruger
wine of origin : Coastal
analysis : alc : 13.5 % vol  rs : 0-5 g/l  pH : 3.45  ta : 5.8 g/l  va : 0.64 g/l  so2 : under 100 mg/l  fso2 : 45 mg/l  
type : White  style : Dry   wooded
pack : Bottle  closure : Screwcap  

in the vineyard : Soil: Alluvial, Scali, Hutton, Clovelly and Kroonstad
Growing Climate/Vintage Conditions: Cool ocean breeze, receiving early morning sun.

about the harvest: Date of Harvest: February
Type of Harvest: Cool, early morning harvest by hand.

in the cellar : Method: 6 - 24 hours skin contact, free run juice only.
Fermentation Temperature: 12° C
Length: 30 days. Extended lees contact, small wooded component added from small French barrels.
Malolactic Fermentation: None

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