Sixpence Cabernet Sauvignon/Shiraz 2007

This red blend is an easy-drinking wine with attractive smoky Shiraz characteristics, alive with the fruit aromas from the Cabernet Sauvignon.

variety : Cabernet Sauvignon [ Cabernet Sauvignon, Shiraz ]
winemaker : Stanley Louw
wine of origin : Slanghoek
analysis : alc : 13.5 % vol  rs : 5.4 g/l  pH : 3.58  ta : 6.1 g/l  
type : Red  style : Dry   wooded
pack : Bottle  closure : Screwcap  

in the vineyard : Sixpence was the nickname given to shepherd Daniel Smiles who looked after the flocks of sheep that roamed the farm in the 1950s' and 1960's, when current owner Stanley Louw was a boy.

The Shiraz vineyards were planted on what had been grazing land, and they have been referred to as Sixpence's Vineyards ever since.

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Cabernet Sauvignon