Jakkalsvlei Hanepoot NV

Made from full-ripe selected Hanepoot grapes. Soft on the tongue with a lingering Hanepoot character, fruity finish and well rounded.

Strong cheeses, nuts, desserts

variety : Muscat dAlexandrie [ 100% Muscat de Alexandrie ]
winemaker : JG Jonker
wine of origin : Herbertsdale
analysis : alc : 17.0 % vol  rs : 187 g/l  pH : 4.1  ta : 2.7 g/l  
type : Fortified  body : Full  taste : Fruity  
pack : Bottle  size : 750ml  closure : Cork  

in the vineyard : Planted: 1993

about the harvest: Harvest Date: 18/03/2013
Sugar: 26° Balling
Yield: 18t/ha

in the cellar : Yeast: Fortified
Wood: Unwooded

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Muscat dAlexandrie
Muscat dAlexandrie