Hutton Ridge Chardonnay 2000

A brilliant green/gold colour. Tropical fruity flavours, with pronounced pear and apple aromas. Complexity on the taste which is soft and well rounded. A touch of yeastiness adds fullness to the wine. Serve lightly chilled with rich food or on its own.

variety : Chardonnay [ Chardonnay ]
winemaker : Zakkie Bester and Eric Saayman
wine of origin : Coastal
analysis : alc : 13.5 % vol  rs : 1.50 g/l  pH : 3.60  ta : 5.9 g/l  
type : White  

ageing : Drink now or within 2 years.

in the vineyard : No irrigation. Production 10 - 12 ton per hectare.

about the harvest: Early February at 23.5º Balling.

in the cellar : Free run juice and a portion press juice was used, after settling acid adjustment and inoculated with a selected yeast, extended lees contact after fermentation to add more complexity.

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