Arabella Chenin Blanc 2013

Yellow, lime green colour. Guava with hints of fresh straw on nose. Rich, racy and full on middle palate with great finish.

variety : Chenin Blanc [ 100% Chenin Blanc ]
winery : Arabella Wines
winemaker : Stephen de Wet
wine of origin : Robertson
analysis : alc : 12.77 % vol  rs : 2.3 g/l  pH : 3.22  ta : 5.9 g/l  so2 : 153 mg/l  fso2 : 35 mg/l  
type : White  style : Dry  body : Full  taste : Fruity  
pack : Bottle  size : 0  closure : Screwcap  

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Chenin Blanc
Chenin Blanc
Chenin Blanc
Chenin Blanc
Chenin Blanc
Chenin Blanc