Arabella Merlot 2013

Succulent flavours of ripe plum and blackcurrent, enhanced by hints of coffee and chocolate. Soft tannins lend a firm structure and a long soft finish.

variety : Merlot [ 100% Merlot ]
winery : Arabella Wines
winemaker : Stephen de Wet
wine of origin : Robertson
analysis : alc : 14.00 % vol  rs : 3.2 g/l  pH : 3.46  ta : 5.8 g/l  va : 0.41 g/l  so2 : 54 mg/l  fso2 : 27 mg/l  
type : Red   wooded
pack : Bottle  size : 0  closure : Cork  

2007  Best Value 2009
2007  Michelangelo Silver 2008
2009  Michelangelo Gold 2009
2009  Decanter Silver 2010
2009  IWC Bronze 2010
2009  Michelangelo Silver 2010
2011  Best Value 2013
2012  IWC Commended 2013
2012  Michelangelo Gold 2013
in the vineyard : One clone is used, MO192 - Older Italian selection that has bigger berries and shoulders. It has red berries and grassy characteristics and tends to have bigger productions. Good clone for fruit characters and blends well.

Two rootstocks are used, 101-14 and Richter 110. Some of the older vines were planted with 101-14, but it has become apparent that our soils are more suited to Richter 110. The problem with 101-14 is that it has a shallow root structure and is more prone to suffer from water stress at the critical ripening periods. Conversely, Richter 110 has a stronger root structure which enables us to better control deficit water management in the period before veraison.

about the harvest: Merlot is picked between 7 March and 21 March.
Yield Per Vine: (weighted average) 3 kg
Yield Per HA: (weighted average) 10 tonnes
Maturity Analysis at Harvest (weighted averages): Brix: 25°-26°

in the cellar : Once crushed the wine is pumped into fermentation tanks. Tailored pump overs are done twice daily during fermentation to obtain delicate fruit tannins and maximize flavours and colour extraction. Wine and skins then pumped into an airbag press with a central inflatable membrane. The entire outer cylinder of the press has drainage holes to speed up the process of pressing and increases the amount of juice extracted. Following the gentle pressing, the wine underwent malolactic fermentation in tanks. Wine is then put on French Oak for about 5-10 months to add softness and complexity to the wine.

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