in the vineyard : The Story: On the third Thursday of November at the stroke of midnight, the province of Beaujelais in France erupts in a celebration that lasts the better part of a week. The event marks the release of the latest vintage Nouveau; a young red wine made in a most unusual style. Enthusiasts fly in from around the globe to toast to the vintage and sample its expression in the wine.
Beaujelais Nouveau is produced from Gamay Noir, a crisply acidic red grape whose association with Asara dates back 40 years. The Asara Gamay profile is classic Beaujelais and its Nouveau-style production offers the allure of a juicy, mouth-watering wine whose fermentation took place inside each grape. The wine is released on the third Thursday of March, and like its French counterpart the supplies rarely last past the first six months of release.
ara’sSpecialtyrangeisaneclecticcollectionofwinesthatrepresentatwistonregionalspecialities.Nicheandunique,therangereflectsthequalityofanestatewhosevinoushistorydatesbackto1691.Vineyards: A tiny 1.1 hectares supplies the grapes for the wines, enabling micro-management of the vines. The location of the vineyards, at 210m, is the highest point on the farm and the rows are west-facing to restrict the amount of direct sunlight exposure to the grapes. The overriding aim is to produce freshness and elegance; a task ideally suited to the Tukulu soils on which the vines are based. High in moisture and nutrients, Tukulu imparts acidity and minerality, easy growing conditions and constant water supply during warmer periods. Vineyard stress is kept to an absolute minimum, resulting in health and purity of flavour in the grapes.