Ashton Winery Sauvignon Blanc 2017

Early picked grapes give this wine its lively, crisp, mouth-watering refreshing acidity and lingering mineral aftertaste. The intense guava, green pepper and litchi bouquet is sure to please every lover of Sauvignon Blanc.

variety : Sauvignon Blanc [ 100% Sauvignon Blanc ]
winery : Ashton Winery
winemaker : Heinrich Coetzee
wine of origin : Robertson
analysis : alc : 12.53 % vol  rs : 4.3 g/l  pH : 3.44  ta : 7.3 g/l  
type : White  style : Dry  body : Medium  
pack : Bottle  size : 750ml  closure : Screwcap  

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Sauvignon Blanc