Bruce Jack Lifestyle Merlot

Notes of ripe raspberries and chocolate with a swirl of vanilla.

Rocks with roast - chicken, beef or pork. Try a pan-seared filet mignon with a blue cheese sauce or something with a little more zing like a pasta arrabiata.

variety : Merlot [ 100% Merlot ]
winery : Bruce Jack Wines
winemaker : Bruce Jack
wine of origin : Western Cape
analysis : alc : 14 % vol  rs : 3.8 g/l  pH : 3.53  ta : 5.6 g/l  
type : Red  
pack : Bottle  size : 750ml  closure : Screwcap  

ageing : Can be enjoyed now or cellar at a cool temperature for 5 years

in the vineyard : Bruce Jack Wines only used the best quality grapes to make its fantastic wines. The vineyards are situated mostly in the beautiful Breedekloof valley which has some of the oldest viticultural soils in the world. The diversity of climate and soil makes this terroir a treasure trove of winemaking possibilities.

about the harvest: Grapes are harvested early in the day from selected vineyards.

in the cellar : Grapes were crushed, destemmed and fermented on the skin.Open and closed pump overs were given for colour extract.From there the juice is fermented, blended, stabilized and filtered.

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