Simonsvlei Chardonnay 2001

A soft, pleasant dry wine with an attractive, fruity and spicy. Toasty, almond and marmalade finish with limy finish.

variety : Chardonnay [ Chardonnay ]
winemaker : Eugéne van Zyl
wine of origin : Coastal
analysis : alc : 14.00 % vol  rs : 2.06 g/l  pH : 3.78  ta : 5.39 g/l  va : 0.39 g/l  so2 : 133 mg/l  
pack : Bottle  

in the vineyard : Age of vines: 12-15 Years
Rootstock: Richter 99
Soil type: Granite
Trellis system: Perold
Irrigation: Micro

about the harvest: The grapes were harvested by hand in February.
Yield: 10 Tons per hectare

in the cellar : Crushing: Destalked + crushed
Type of tanks: Stainless Steel tanks
Fermentation: Fermentation to 5° Balling in Stainless Steel tanks
Barrel ageing: 40% fermented with staves
Malolactic: none
Fining: Bentonite
Filtration: Kieselghur + sheet
Stabilisation: -5°C for 3 days

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