Lanzerac Sauvignon Blanc 2003

This full-bodied, well structured wine has prominent ripe tropical flavours on the nose and mouth-filling pineapple and guava characters which follows through on to a well balanced and smooth palate.

The Sauvignon Blanc has the muscle to stand up to a variety of white meat dishes, salads, creamy pastas and a must to try on its own.

variety : Sauvignon Blanc [ 100% Sauvignon Blanc ]
winery : Lanzerac
winemaker : Wynand Hamman
wine of origin : Stellenbosch
analysis : alc : 13.4 % vol  rs : 3.72 g/l  pH : 3.16  ta : 6.24 g/l  
type : White  style : Dry  body : Medium  
pack : Bottle  closure : Cork  

Michelangelo International Wine Awards 2003 - Silver
SAA First Class Certificate Winner 2003
Veritas 2003 - Bronze
in the vineyard : Vineyard blocks: Single vineyard block D13
Area: 1.92 Ha
Crop size: 5 tons
Tons per ha: 2.6 t/ha
Altitude: 450m above sea level
Age of vines: 4 years old
Rootstock: Richter 110
Clones: SB10/9/SB316
Soil: Deep, well drained red soils
Plant direction: East/West
Trellising: 5-wire Perold system. Sufficient to accommodate the vigour of the vines and to ensure good distribution of shoots, leaves and bunches.
Density: 2222 vines/ha
Space between rows: 3m
Space between vines: 1.5m

Irrigation: Micro spitters controlled by computer system through moisture meters and tensiometers. This enables stress management of the vines to produce optimum fruit quality. This is done in accordance with the water retention ability of the specific vineyard block.

Canopy management: Optimal balance between vigour and crop load is achieved by pruning through the correct number of bearer eyes (2). Summer manipulation in the form of suckering, shoot thinning and positioning complement the winter pruning.

about the harvest: All harvesting is done by hand in February 2003. Extreme care is taken not to damage grapes and only healthy grapes are picked. Grapes are picked when fully ripe.

in the cellar : Because of the heat, grapes were cooled in the vineyard by means of dry ice; this also protects the berries from oxidation. At the winery the grapes were crushed under a blanket of CO2 (dry ice) and pumped through a mashcooler to the press. The crushed grapes in the press were left on the skins, while the juice drained off for about two hours. These skins were then lightly pressed. The juice was pumped under a dry ice blanket into the settling tank, SO2 and enzymes added and left to settle for 48 hrs. The clean juice was racked off the lees, yeast was added and fermentation took place at 12ºC for about 14 days. The wine was left on the fermentation lees for three months prior to bottling.

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Sauvignon Blanc
Sauvignon Blanc
Sauvignon Blanc
Sauvignon Blanc
Sauvignon Blanc
Sauvignon Blanc
Sauvignon Blanc
Sauvignon Blanc
Sauvignon Blanc
Sauvignon Blanc