Zevenwacht Bouquet Blanc 2003

A bright, lemon gold colour with a soft floral, perfumed nose. The palate is mouthwatering in its appeal and exhibits succulent lychees and rose petal flavours with a hint of honey and spice. The finish has an attractive crisp lemon freshness that compliments the floral distinctiveness perfectly. Like watching the Moulin Rouge in a Turkish restaurant – fanfare and feather boas with heady spice and a feint, sweet incense lingering in the atmosphere.

variety : Gewurztraminer [ Gewurztraminer, Rhine Riesling ]
winemaker : Karl Lambour
wine of origin : Coastal
analysis : alc : 13.19 % vol  rs : 8.2 g/l  pH : 3.17  ta : 5.5 g/l  
type : White  style : Semi Sweet  body : Full  taste : Fragrant  
pack : Bottle  

in the vineyard : Gewürztraminer
These vineyards, nearly 25 years old, present a visual anomaly. Gnarled and far from aesthetic, they produce the tiniest berries with astonishing aromatic concentration. South facing with the most extreme slope on the farm, the vines enjoy the wintry exhalation of the Atlantic Ocean less than a stones throw away in viticultural terms. The decomposed granite soils include desirable clay elements that retain moisture during the drier months of ripening, yet, as a result of the prominent gravel fractions, allow for excellent drainage.

Rhine Riesling
These vineyards are positioned at the entrance to the farm. Mature, at 18 years, the vines produce wonderfully aromatic grapes with superb mouthfeel and generous flavours. The Riesling grapes are picked on falvour development – this results in appealing muscat and rose-water scents in the wine. Soils include higher fractions of gravel and sand that would necessitate additional irrigation were it not for the fact that Riesling ripens early in the season.

in the cellar : The wine is an exciting and somewhat novel blend of half Gewürztraminer and half Riesling. With two aromatic grape varieties it makes blending somewhat tricky. Over the last few years our talented winemaking team have settled on a proportional grouping, showcasing a delicate balance between aroma, flavour and mouthfeel. Cold fermentation has preserved the heady perfume of both grape varieties and kept the wine fresh and immensley approachable.

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