Slanghoek Chardonnay 2003

Full-bodied. Fermented in small oak barrels which lend a touch of wood. Pleasant citrus flavours. Complex fruity finish on the palate. Lingering after-taste.

Enjoy with perlemoen, curries, venison or roasts.

variety : Chardonnay [ 100% Chardonnay ]
winery : Slanghoek Cellar
winemaker : Pieter Carstens & Team
wine of origin : Slanghoek
analysis : alc : 13.4 % vol  rs : 3.7 g/l  pH : 3.49  ta : 6.58 g/l  
type : White  style : Dry  body : Full   wooded
pack : Bottle  

ageing : Enjoy within 2 - 5 years of purchase.

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