Dornier Cocoa Hill Sauvignon Blanc 2010

As mentioned in the vintage conditions thewinds reduced the crop of our earlier varieties severely. This however led togood flavour concentration. We generally produce our Sauvignon blanc in atropical fruit driven style as opposed to the grassy, green pepper style. Weregularly aim at making a wine that is generally pleasing on the nose and the palate without the harsh acidity common to many South Africa Sauvignon blanc's.Flavours of white pear, guava and asparagus dominate the nose with slightnuances of melon playing a supporting role. The palate possesses lovely freshfruit flavours with zesty persistence. The lively but not excessive acidityprovides for a long lasting aftertaste.

Due to the winesinherent freshness and lightness it partners well with seafood dishes cooked inlighter sauce. Salads are also always a great option for Sauvignon blanc suchas lemon and herb or Caesar salads as well as delicate poultry dishes andlighter styled pastas. Chévre and lightercheeses are also good matches for Sauvignon blanc’s fresh zestycharacteristics.

variety : Sauvignon Blanc [ Sauvignon blanc 100% ]
winery : Dornier Wines
winemaker : JC Steyn
wine of origin : Stellenbosch
analysis : alc : 12.5 % vol  rs : 3.2 g/l  pH : 3.49  ta : 6.1 g/l  va : 0.4 g/l  so2 : 112 mg/l  fso2 : 35 mg/l  
type : White  style : Dry  body : Medium  
pack : Bottle  closure : Screwcap  

ageing : This year saw us utilizing all four of our vineyard batches for our very popular Sauvignon blanc. Each batch received a light press to extract only the highestquality juice after-which they were individually fermented at cold temperatures in stainless steel tanks for approximately 10days. Flavour and style specific yeast were selected as to obtain the desiredfruit and aroma characteristics. Post fermentation, they remained on the full lees with battonage (lees stirring)performed weekly for a further two months thereby gaining the beneficialcharacteristics of fullness and texture into the wine.

about the harvest: 

The 2010 vintage was by no means theeasiest. The quality was excellent but we were badly affected by the winds duringflowering which had a drastic effect on the earlier varieties. From Januaryuntil the end of harvest great weather prevailed with almost no rain. This yearwas however our earliest vintage with our late Cabernets arriving approximatelytwo weeks earlier than in previous vintages. These lower crop levels due towind resulted in the vines having less fruit to ripen and thereby concentratingtheir flavours within, which produced high quality complex fruit with lovelyfreshness and elegance. 

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Sauvignon Blanc
Sauvignon Blanc
Sauvignon Blanc
Sauvignon Blanc
Sauvignon Blanc
Sauvignon Blanc