The Viognier is a wine with the complex aromas of peaches, plums, apricots, hints of orange zest, fresh lime and Turkish delight. A floral wine which opens up to subdued oak notes. You can expect a burst of flavour; citrus and hints of tropical fruits, noticeable residual sugar but underpinned by a balanced, lively acidity. Harmonious support from seasoned oak underlies the long lingering aftertaste.
This wine is a true Charlatan as it can be enjoyed on its own without the influence of food. The subtle changes in nuances and taste can then be experienced as the wine evolves with exposure to air. That said it would be selfish to deny one’s palate with morsels of fragrant lime and saffron infused scallops, cured loin of tuna drizzled with a fruity olive oil or the perennial favourite, freshly prepared sushi, alternated of course with sips of this lovely wine.