To stay up with modern trends and technology l used a new procedure called reverse osmosis in order to concentrate the flavours and sugar content. In Europe this system is actively used for the production of high quality wine to compensate against the lack of sunshine. Here in South Africa we have the opposite case, where if you wait too long all your flavours will be burned away. For this reason I harvested the grapes at 19ºB, concentrated to 24ºB. This meant we had to extract 800lt of water from 4200lt of juice. Also new was the use of grapes from an experimental vineyard, which wasn’t pruned or treated (Australian style of minimum pruning) during the growing season. This proved to be highly successful as the grapes were very small and highly concentrated. As a result we have a wine with a pale straw-green colour, very refreshing acidity and very intense melon, fig, gooseberry character