Journey's End Destination Chardonnay 2021

Rich and full on entry and throughout. The nose exhibits concentrated apricot and ripe peach with layers of lime zest and orange. The fruit component is complimented by well-balanced almond spice from generous oak aging. Minerality ensures freshness and adds linearity to a long-lasting creamy finish.

variety : Chardonnay [ 100% Chardonnay ]
winemaker : Michael Dawson
wine of origin : Stellenbosch
analysis : alc : 13.5 % vol  rs : 3.1 g/l  pH : 3.41  ta : 5.8 g/l  va : 0.46 g/l  so2 : 142 mg/l  fso2 : 42 mg/l  
type : White  style : Dry  body : Full  taste : Fragrant  
pack : Bottle  size : 750ml  closure : Cork  

ageing : The Destination will reward patient cellaring for up to 10 years post bottling

The Destination is the pinnacle of white winemaking at Journey’s End

in the vineyard : The grapes were handpicked from block 16A, a pocket of excellent quality Chardonnay vines identified by vineyard drone footage. Fertile soils create large canopies of foliage allowing for the grapes lengthy hangtime. Alternative sides of the trellis were picked almost two weeks apart, the morning sun side contributing towards the wines citrus and mineral notes and the afternoon sun side imparting ripe stone

about the harvest: Grapes are picked early in the morning

in the cellar : After being picked early in the morning grapes were sorted before being whole bunch pressed. Only free run juice was used and was fermented spontaneously in a combination of 300L and 228L French oak barrels (15% new oak). The Destination underwent 10% malolactic fermentation. The wine was left on the fine lees and stirred frequently for a period of 11 months before being blended into a stainless-steel tank, fined, and bottled. We fine the wine with bentonite which means our wine is vegan friendly

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